Here we are at the start of yet another year. It’s the perfect time to sit down and really think about our direction and what we’d like to achieve for the year. To create our direction from the start will create a huge difference in regard to where we end up.

Our goals often seem like an overwhelming mountain, especially for high achievers or those that have aspirations to achieve big things. It makes sense to know your end goal. But when thinking about it, and it alone, it can create some paralysis. When we get overwhelmed it all just seems too hard and more often than not, we don’t do anything or even a little self-sabotage can take place. That’s where we need to understand where our motivation is coming from and if it will be enough when times get tough. And to gain clarity around how to reach it, we have to break our large goals down into more manageable targets.

Here’s two examples and you may have different end points, but you’ll see how we can break a large goal down and make it simple to not only understand, but measure and notice our progress.

Example, Financial Goal: Save $10,000 this year. To some this is no doubt a lot of money and it sounds a lot, especially without breaking it down. But even a monthly figure can sound overwhelming. It’s not until we break it down to something manageable enough to believe that we can consistently stick to something that the goal finally sounds possible.

Smaller goals: How much would that be per:

  • Month? $833
  • Week? $192
  • Day? $27

So, then we create the strategy: Are you setting up a direct transfer into your saving account on a daily, weekly or monthly basis? This may depend on your pay and a number of other factors. But if this is your priority you would set it up as soon as your pay came in and then work your bills and lifestyle around what is left. If you do it the other way around, there’s no doubt you’ll fall short on some weeks or months will inevitably change your total figure at the end of the year.

The key, like all things, is consistency.

Your goals aren’t the most important things, it’s your habits because they determine your success!

Here’s a simple way in which I’ve set goals and educated our trainers and coaches to assist their clients in doing the same. Goal setting doesn’t have to be completed. But to achieve big things we do need a formula that works and gives us a strategy.

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