What does an average day look like as a successful gym-based PT?

Busy Personal Trainers start early to train the clients that like early morning sessions before they head to work. Often PT’s that like to start early will start at 5:00am which often means a 4:00am wake up and head into the gym.
Great PT’s will get themselves ready so that they are bright and spritely for the first client starting at 5 and often do back-to-back sessions. Meaning another session at 5:45am and again at 6:30am, and maybe schedule a quick 15 min break to freshen up, have a bite to eat and stay hydrated. Then more sessions back-to-back at 7:30am and often through to around 11am.

This is where most have something substantial to eat before focusing on their own health, fitness and wellbeing with their own training.

But here’s the real key, and what separates the average trainers from those that go on and do great businesses. The outstanding Personal Trainers know that it’s what you do outside the gym that creates 80% of your success. They work on developing their businesses everyday.
This is where those that studied with a training provider that focuses heavily on training and developing their students in these key areas really have the advantage.

As a PT, the afternoon gives you the opportunity to focus on building, developing and maintaining your business. Just like all other businesses, there’s a lot to do. Starting with lead generation and creating your client base. So, it’s creating marketing materials, posting to social media and scheduling posts for the week, fortnight or month. It’s then contacting new leads, setting appointments for initial consultations or online presentations. Keeping your data base up-to-date, scheduling emails and maintaining your CRM (customer relations manager). There is updating of programs, follow up calls & texts, and implementation of new systems so that you can grow your business and not get to overwhelmed. You can see that there’s a lot more than just teaching people how to bench and squat.

Some PTs only opt to train people of a morning and choose lifestyle over income. However, those that just love being in the gym or have real financial goals head back for the arvo and evening sessions around 4:00pm. Most will do around 4-5 back-to-back sessions again before heading home around 7pm to get an early night and do it all over again.

Ultimately, Trainers and Coaches that have built their client bases more often than not, average between 40-50 sessions per week. At $60-$70 per session these add up to incredible days and weeks financially. Those that go into the fitness industry just to make money more often than not, don’t do so well. But those that love training clients, really want their clients to succeed and have financial goals clearly can and are extremely successful!

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