Entries by NHFA

Personal Training – More than Physical Fitness

Personal Training | More than Physical Fitness Being a personal trainer or fitness instructor is a very rewarding profession. You have the ability and skillset to help your clients regain or maintain control of their physical health through exercise and nutrition. You can see a client’s progress first-hand and experience a feeling of accomplishment for motivating them to […]

Technology: the changing face of Personal Training

Technology: the changing face of Personal Training According to the Huffington Post, within the last five years there has been general upward trend in Google searches for both ‘gym membership’ and ‘fitness app’ and “when we see a spike in one, there is a comparative increase in the other.” Some fitness professionals such as Flow […]

Fitness Gadgets & Personal Trainers – Can they work together?

Fitness Gadgets & Personal Trainers – Can they work together? Wearable fitness gadgets (such as wristbands, watches and clothing clip-ons) have exploded in popularity over the past decade. According to Statista.com the wearable technology market is expected to reach a value of 19 billion US Dollars by the year 2018. A simple web search for […]

Getting Fit Online

How Physical Trainers are Reaching Global Clients Online Physical trainers may want to brush up on their computer skills with the insurgence of a new trend – online fitness training programs. Trainers around the world now have the power to a wider range of clientele using online tools such as video conferencing, online editable documents […]

Free Ebook: The Secret Psychology Behind Exercise Success

Discover the 5 empowering principles you must know for rapid and continuous results! Have you attempted to improve your health and wellbeing? Did you know that 90% of people who do give up within 10% of achieving results? Download our FREE eBook all about the Secret Psychology Behind Exercise Success and start your next exercise […]

Gold Coast business set to give local fitness industry a leg-up.

The fitness industry across Australia has become extremely competitive over the past 10 years. Since 2005 the number of registered fitness facilities have increased over 300% with masses of boot camps, CrossFit, Yoga, Pilates, boxing studios, Zumba, Personal Training and gyms popping up all over the place, particularly on the Gold Coast. Council estimates it […]

Arnold’s 6 Rules to Success

I’m a big fan of Arnold Schwarzenegger.  He’s a great motivational speaker and inspires millions of people.  Here’s his six rules to success.  I live by them, how about you? Trust yourself Many young people are getting so much advice from their parents and from their teachers and from everyone. But what is most important is […]

Trainer of the Month | Luke Pearce Rips it up

Luke Pearce, aka Ript Rhino is our Trainer of the Month for May 2015. Luke was a butcher before he decided to change careers. He was an easy student to teach because he loved learning. He smashed through our full range of training to qualify three years ago as a Personal Trainer. Luke was organised, […]